New Media Certificate Summary

In the fall of 2021, facing an overwhelming sense of imposter syndrome in a sea of marketing students, my advisor introduced me to the New Media Certificate. With only a few days remaining before the application was due, I took a chance and applied, hoping it would help me work through this rough patch in my academic career. Little did I know this certificate would be a force, pushing me down a path I would have never explored if not thanks to the unique and creative curriculum.

My NMC journey began with the website development class New Media Production. The first couple of weeks of this class went at such a quick pace, that I was sure I was in over my head. Then, we entered the bootstrap project and a flip switch. I suddenly found myself racing through my other homework to have more time to work on my website. I loved the challenge of adding creativity and design elements to something so rigid. From there, this class became my favorite. I loved the challenge that could only be overcome by trying everything! No mistake couldn’t be recovered.

I am thankful I stumbled into this opportunity and I believe this program has made me a better student and candidate in the workforce. This program has taught me how to change my thinking from simply looking for the correct answer to how can we find a correct answer. This course has pushed me creatively and allowed me to practice being more detailed oriented. (Which is something I need to practice!)

I am excited to see where the rest of the journey takes me!